Our Strategies

We’ve refined 3 Simple Strategies that deliver results.

DSP doesn’t have to just be about branding. We’ve managed over $20M in DSP spend to figure out what strategies deliver the highest return on ad spend.
We leverage Amazon’s data to create audiences that only show ads to customers who are actively searching for products like yours, have viewed your product or have purchased from you before.
Best of all, with DSP Advertiser you get to choose the DSP Strategies that best suit your Brands goals and budgets.

High-Intent Customers Only

We only target the best!

Based on Search History, Product Views, and Past Purchases.
We use Amazon’s data to identify high-intent customers likely to convert.
Our aim is to minimize your advertising costs and maximize ROI through effective strategies and best practices.

Warm Prospects

Target customer when they are in the market for your product by showing ads to customers who have viewed a competitor product page, search for terms related to your product or searched for your product but haven’t purchased yet.

Similar Product Views

Target customers who just purchased a complementary product

Selling Dog Collars? Target customers who just purchased a Dog Leash! Amazon knows what products people buy before & after your product. Using first party data, we are able to create an audience of shoppers who recently purchased products that are complementary to your product and offer your product.

Search Prospecting

Reach customers searching for your product

Amazon knows what people search for when purchasing your product. Using this data, we can create an audience of potential customers who have searched for your product but haven’t purchased yet.

Contextual Targeting

Snag customers from the competition

Amazon knows who your competitors are. We can use this data to create an audience of people who have recently visited a competitors product page but haven’t purchased to target them with ads for your product.


86% of potential customers visit your product pages without making a purchase. Retargeting brings them back.


Tired of losing customers after they log off Amazon? Don’t let those sales slip through your fingers! By creating campaigns focused around retargeting past visitors and customers, we drove 8.99X return on ad spend for this outdoor gear client.


Our reMarketing strategy is designed to help you target your existing customers for repeat purchases, which is a proven way to increase the lifetime value of your customer base. This technique is not only cost-effective but also helps create brand loyalists who trust your brand and are more likely to purchase from you repeatedly. By cross-selling additional products to your existing customers, you can also grow your business and increase your revenue streams. With our reMarketing solution, you can maximize the potential of your existing customer base and achieve your sales goals.


Increase your Customer Lifetime Value

Customers that have purchased your product but haven’t made a repeat purchase are prime for targeting. Only viable for consumable or repeat purchase products


Turn one time customers into brand loyalists

Target customers who previously purchased one of your products with related products.

No matter your budget. We deliver the results you're looking for

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